Guess I’ll have to go to the Sandwich Company to get an egg salad sandwich. Sorry I had to go. I really enjoyed talking to you, but my body is falling apart, and I didn’t want your future to be as my nurse.
je t’aime
We met by accident and before we knew it we were dancing outside without clothes in the rain and I sang to you. I can still feel your delicate touch, I can still taste your passionate kiss and I want to dance with you again. I love the way you dance.
Low Spirits
… Le Chat Lunatique … I believe you were alone, as was I. You had a dark (wool?) coat, I believe a scarf, and I think you were actually taller than me! Wasn’t sure if you were meeting someone there … I wasn’t … I could feel your eyes, but every time I looked at you, you looked away. I wouldn’t mind running into you again … we could be loners together
Hvad skete der? (What happened?)
When we met at the Vitamin Cottage, you shared so much with me.You came across genuine, open, yet in some pain. You asked for my numbers and gave me a message number. I wanted you to know I did call and left a message for us to have coffee or lunch.I waited weeks, and when there was no reply, I Googled the number, which turned out to be some poor woman in Santa Fe who had lost her cat. Hope you found her/him. Don’t care what your gender preference is. I just wanted your friendship.