"I Saw You" Drivin’ That Bus

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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I Saw You
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"I wanted to be a bus driver when I was a kid. I look at bus driving through the eyes of a little boy. I see it as glamorous." –Jim Lehrer | Reply for free or see more “I Saw You” posts at alibi.com/personals.

oh my

On Labor Day weekend. I saw you at Smith’s on Academy at 11am, Saturday, wearing plaid shorts and a blue shirt. You drove away in an Escape with a blue NM plate ending in 984. I should have said hello.
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Sexy Bus Driver

Oh wow! New bus driver on the San Mateo route from Central around 9:2am. You have switched with an older lady that had that route and time before. Hope this is your route for a while and not just filling in for the day. It is so nice to see such a handsome man on my way to put in 9 hours! Don’t know if I was just horny or what. I’ve seen you before, but this time absolutely could not take my eyes off, breathing ever so slowly and heavy, fantasizing of those strong arms and other parts of you!
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Broken Bones Around My Soul

There I was in my sweaty blue and whites. Feeling of no hope, when you came into my room in the middle of the night. The way you handled my floppy limb; oh how I’ve never been handled that way before. You made me hurt so good. Until we meet again or I guess I might have to admit myself so that I can feel your strong muscles again around my bulging, firm, yet plump heat seeking missile!
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FirePlace Love

As the sparks flew between two individuals that, at the time, did not know they would fall so hard. They fly so high with emotion, yet soar in the middle of content. I Love you Still Honey Love, I’ll never forget how much I adore you, my bullybutt, Muah.
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