"I Saw You" Explaining A Brilliant Idea

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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“An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.” –Oscar Wilde | Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.

I saw you at Two Red Brothers…

Your eyes were filled with tears, your face was all red, and you were asking about herbs for allergies. Ain’t nobody got time for allergies!

Your Idea For New Mexico-Based Superhero

Hi. I am a cartoonist and I overheard the idea you were bouncing off your attractive lady friend at the Frontier this morning, 4/1/2014. I think your idea of ‘The Green Cloud’ as a new superhero who inhaled toxic wastes at WIPP has a lot of potential and I want to get together with you to discuss a business partnership. You left as I was getting my order! This is not an April Fools’ gag!

What Would Marshal Matt Dillon Do?

Warning! Unauthorized Campers in the Foothills Area of Albuquerque Will Be Summarily Executed! By Decree of the Hungry Guns of the Albuquerque Police Department.

University and Coal like 47 minutes ago

Like 48 minutes ago (1:30pm 3/28/14) you were turning west on Coal off University in a silver truck. I smiled at you and you gave me a reserved but kind smile back as you drove along your way. I watched you take off up the hill with no way of saying hello. I can’t get that smile out of my head. Hello.

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