"I Saw You" Headed Down La Luz Trail

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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Gorgeous man in suit at Flying Star

sat next to each other at Flying Star. You: beautiful man in suit working on your laptop. Wishing I would have asked you if you would like to hang out sometime … hoping you read this and email me.

Beauty on the La Luz Trail

I was hiking up the trail a few weeks ago before noon as you headed down. You had blonde hair and a great smile. I was wearing a hat and we said hello as we passed. I’d like to see you again.

Lovely Blonde I met at Satelite

I met you yesterday (Saturday 31st 7ish). And I’m not sure whether or not you’ll even find this or see it, and I know from the looks of things that you’re most likely dating my friend that I stopped to say hi to, but I just wanted to say that you are absolutely stunning. So much so that I was fighting every urge to go back and tell you this at the time, but altogether glad I had the brief moment to meet you. It was a breath taker, for you are a once in a life time beauty : )

Ground Control To Major Tom

Thinkin about you R.S. I’m sorry I wasn’t the man I could have been. You deserved to be treated so much better, I hope you find real happiness with someone great … Happy Easter R … A : )
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