"I Saw You" In The Sandias

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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"I never smile unless I mean it." –Donny Osmond | Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.


You were on a dating site. We messaged each other. I asked you too many questions and you told me what you had been seeking.

When you deleted your account, it looked like you might have sent me a message. My message indicator was half lit up, but the message never came through. I hope you see this and reply. I still want to talk to you.

Embudito Trail Encounter …

I would have chatted you up under normal circumstances, having met you on the Embudito Trail Sunday. Our encounter was a little … unusual though. I kind of thought nothing of it—after all, it is in the wilderness "in the middle of nowhere." Honestly, I suspected nothing as I approached, and was caught a little off-guard as I actually came upon you. Perhaps I should have sucked it up anyway, because you will likely not see this ad (maybe a friend of yours will), let alone respond.


We got to Smith’s at the same time—you in your Civic, me on my motorcycle—and parked next to each other. When I was leaving you were as well. I motioned something to you, and you pulled up and rolled down your window when I said, "smile you look pissed!" And you did. You have an amazing smile which gave me butterflies. I haven’t had that feeling for a looooong time. Keep smiling: You may turn someone else’s day around as well. Hopefully I’ll run into you again!
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