Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at 4 U???, 4 Me??? 4 Who??? I see you everywhere driving that 4U Beauty Supply car. You are HOT! I have to get to know you. Tried following you but you’re all over the place. Tried talking to you on two separate occasions. You said "Yes" the first time and "OK" the second time … Remember? Probably not because you’re too Hot 4Me, or not? Would love to have a real conversation with you sometime. Maybe you can tell me all about your milkshake. I’m here 4u, so let me know. I SAW YOU I saw you. In the snow. On the Loop. Crunching snow under my boots I glanced up. You shot me a look I treasure. Warm, twinkling eyes. Now July, I think of you still. Sunflower, San Mateo, Wednesday, 6/27, around 6:30 pm You were Hispanic, slender, in a black dress (sleeveless I think). Your kids were with you. I was next in the checkout: tall, Anglo, goatee, glasses, greenish Levis and light-colored shirt. From the parking lot you watched me exit the store. I nearly made a detour to walk over and find out who you were, but hesitation got the best of me. Now, a day later, your sleek and sexy beauty still burns in my mind—and I regret not having made that detour. It’d be a delight to see you again … Take Me Back to the Ballgame: Isotopes, June 22 We sat next to each other at the ‘Topes game. You’re from PA and work in jewelry. You had a camo hat, an engaging smile and a great sense of fun. I had a Cubs hat (please don’t hold that against me), stupid looking sunglasses, and an unexplainable attack of shyness that kept me from at least trying to get your phone number. Now I’m kicking myself.