"I Saw You" In The Waiting Room

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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It’s Still You!

I’ve loved you since we met freshman year of high school. 10 years and several choices led us far from each other. You still have my heart and to this day appear in my dreams. I hope that you are happy this Christmas. 🙂


You were playing Mancala in the waiting room. I was intrigued by the game and you said someday you’d teach me if you ever ran into me again. Thanks for your kind offer, I hope to see you again, but I had to change my regular appointment time!

Cute Guy at the Pit Graduation

You were the cute guy in the striped zip-up hoodie and I was the girl taking photos. We kept making eye contact.

Cutie Cashier at Trader Joe’s

Dear unbelievably handsome, brown-haired (that you just recently cut all off), chile pepper-tattooed cashier at Trader Joe’s,

I just want to say that your smile is unbelievable! It stops me in my tracks every single time. Please don’t ever stop smiling because I’m sure that you’ve made more than just my day with it!
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