"I Saw You" In Your Coonskin Cap

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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Oscar Wilde had it right: “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.

Big Red Truck, Coonskin Cap

Driving S. on Eubank, morning of 2/7. Your stickers made me smile, then I saw your awesome hat and thought, "Why on earth are we not friends?!" Had to hurtle by but thought I’d reach out—strictly looking to hang out in a friendly way—social drink? Game of billiards?

To my Shady Lady.

I guess it’s silly to retread roads once traveled. Yet here I am, thinking about you. Maybe it’s because nothing amazing happens here.

APD Crossing Guard Supervisor

I saw you wave around what looked to be like timecards in front of an 88 year old lady crossing guard while you laughed. You said you’d found them in a drawer. You and the City of Albuquerque cheated the poor woman out of 2 pay periods and then told her it was too late for her to do anything about it. Wasn’t it enough you hounded her out of a job after she won a Friday’s Hero Award? You better make this right with the lady, or I’m helping her with a complaint to the Dept. of Labor! Pricks!

I Saw You, Congressman Grimm (R-NY)

I saw you threaten to throw that TV reporter over the balcony at the Capitol Building, Congressman Grimm! Did you think he was perhaps a Wesen, a Blutbad, a Hexenbiest or a Kleinebiest? That would explain things!

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