"I Saw You" Tying The Perfect Ribbon Around My Raspberry Cheesecake

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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Tall Blonde St. Patricks Day @ Tractor

I’ve seen you twice, very tall attractive blonde woman, slim/athletic build—1st on St Patricks day at Tractor, then at Anodyne a few weeks later with a group at a small table across from the pool tables where I was. We have flirtation going, but I keep missing the opportunity to approach you. I am a slender blonde, 5′ 5” with brown eyes. You are gorgeous, that look you give makes my heart skip a beat. I’d love to talk to you, so if you read this, would you be interested in coffee or a drink?

Photographer at Mexican Wolves protest—"Nice Boots"

I was saying how much I liked your boots … You could wear them to our wedding but I suppose that we ought to have coffee first ;o)

I would have stopped to chat but I saw that you were very busy and didn’t want to interrupt you. Just being polite.

Cravin’ your cookies

You were the gentleman working the counter at Cravin’ Cookies last Tuesday. You tied the perfect ribbon around my raspberry cheesecake. I wanted to find out if you were single, but I’m shy and you had to help the customers after me. I’m just younger than you (I think!) and I wore a long green jacket that day. If you remember me too, maybe we could treat ourselves to an after-hours coffee?

At Eubank Costco Fuel Pumps 04/14/2012 a.m.

Dressed all in black, you still had your Weight-Watchers name tag on as you fueled your SUV. One look at you and I was totally mesmerized to the point I remarked: "You don’t need Weight-Watchers and you don’t need to lose weight. You’re perfect the way you are!" You rolled your head back and produced one of the most delightful hearty laughs I’d heard and thanked me. I meant it. Don’t you lose even 1 lb. off that magnificent frame of yours! You’re "Simply Irresistible," Momma Ms. America!
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