"I Saw You" Wearing A Shirt With A Skull

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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At Eubank Walmart one Monday @ check-out line

You stunned me with your actress Claudia Downs looks and your invitation to a candybar lunch. I feel like a total jackass! I really did have an important lunch to go to! I meant everything I said and I did call the numbers on your business card and leave messages, but I didn’t want to overdo it. If you pass me by, we’ll both lose—especially since we live so close to each other! Please let me have a raincheck. You won’t regret it!

Anodyne on Fat Tues

You were wearing a shirt with a skull. I thought it was a storm trooper from afar. We hung out and talked about music, tv shows, documentaries, graphic art. You mentioned several things that I am really into. I wanted to get your number but you left too quickly. I really enjoyed talking to you. Let’s hang out again!

Saw and see an angel working for ABQ Health Partners day after day

It’s so hard having to walk by you day after day. You are the most knowledgeable and beautiful woman I have ever met. No matter what, you will always be close to my heart, and thank you for letting me in, even though it may be just a little. Thank the ___’s for placing you in my path and being able to see so much of you, business wise. “Accept the things, to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart."

Haiku on Small Breasts, etc.

Nastassja Kinski

Would agree with the small breast

in soliloquy.

In your conversation at WinRock Mall this past Saturday, you told your girlfriend you needed to lose weight. Stop! Don’t tamper with perfection! Nothing could be sexier than the combination of pale-skin, blond hair, small breasts, magnificent thighs and bubble-butt you were born with! If your significant other doesn’t appreciate you the way you are, get another significant other who will!

Cunnivorex Maximus
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