"I Saw You" Wishing Me A Happy New Year

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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Incredibly Good-looking Guy at Trader Joe’s

You: Salt-and-pepper haired guy at Trader Joe’s. I looked up and there you were, looking at me with those beautiful green eyes. You made me melt, I didn’t know what to say, but I wanted to say, "I need to know you."

Me: Attractive woman with long brown hair, in black yoga pants, brown top and black long sweater.

Please Answer. I wanted to say something there but was too shy. Please let me know if you felt the same spark.

Paul, checker at Albertsons On Wyoming and San Antonio

I like your curly hair, beautiful blue eyes and enchanting smile. I don’t know that I made much of an impression, but the guy in front of me was having lots of trouble counting his cash. You wished me a happy new year, and I wished I could have some coffee with you. Are you available?

That might make for a happy new year. 😉

Cute Woman at Recycling Center Behind Carlisle Wal-Mart

You had bobbed, very light-colored, curly hair. You wished me a Merry Christmas before your friend drove away. I was the white guy with brown hair and sunglasses who waved. I wish we could spend time getting to know each other.

Portishead – Glory Box

We met, we had fun, we connected so strong, so quickly, and then it was over. The chemistry was there but your significant other said we cannot be. You said the word "love" and I agree. If only some other time and some other place could you be with me. I will dream of that day for the rest of my life. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing I’ve had to do. So, come find me in my dreams where we can be together. I will be there, waiting. (Yikes! if you know what I mean…)
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