"I Saw You" With Eyes That Sparkle And Smile That Glitters

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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Sweet at Roosevelt Park

was with my kiddos. There were loose dogs. I noticed you and your pup. I noticed the limp and was glad she came to me. I was glad you told me what’d happened to her. I just wanted to say that you’re both very sweet and you have the most amazing smile I’ve ever seen. I hope we meet again.

Slate St. hostess

Very short, brunette, with eyes that sparkle, with blues and greens, and that smile that glitters, you’re the first person I see, as you look up at me with a big smile and ask how I’m doing. I just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely beautiful, and you make my day when I see you. I would love nothing more than to talk to you, but I am sure you’re taken. He is a lucky man. I will one day have the courage to ask you if you are taken. Until next time, keep smiling, gorgeous.

Guy walking west on Montgomery

On Wednesday evening at around 6:45PM, you were walking west on Montgomery when I witnessed a car full of about 5 kids throw something at you. I just wanted you to know that I reported them to APD and followed them until they were pulled over. I just can’t believe how awful people can be to complete strangers. I’m so, so sorry =(


There’s a point where love is claimed less by licking chocolate off each other and my-neck-doesn’t-really-bend-like-this-but-omg-this-is-so-hot car sex—and more by security, safety, reassurance … sweetening your tea. From then on actions speak louder than words, I know, despite this note. All I’m asking is for you to cross that threshold with me. It may take a leap of faith. But I swear I will catch you. Jump, darling. I love you like safety. And btw… I still want you in my backseat.
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