I Told You So

Levi Eleven
3 min read
I Told You So
The Washington administration really resonated with voters.
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Experts hate to be called out. Talking heads and armchair pundits have been hedging their bets and backpedaling as the election looms. Six months ago it was, “so-and-so is a shoo-in!” and “the pollsters are wrong!”

There have been endless variations of how big a deal “the [something] effect” is. In the last month it’s closer to, “if
this happens, and that goes that way,” and “with recent developments it might be close!”

As it gets down to the wire, people stop cheerleading and resign themselves to “the sheep will probably do this,” and, “the voters can still blow it all if they get overconfident.” Once it’s all done, everyone will be patting themselves on the back and telling you they expected it to go exactly that way.

And how could it not? Polls are scientific/people lie in them/people who answer polls are not typical. After all, people are racist/racism wasn’t an issue/racism was a benefit because of white guilt. It’s obvious. All those other commentators thought voters were angry/stupid/afraid, but the people have spoken/been screwed and they want change in/are fundamentally happy with America’s path.

It’s obvious that the candidate ignored/spent too much time in Florida/Pennsylvania/Nevada/New Hampshire/Missouri/Wisconsin/Alaska/Iowa/Montana/New Mexico/North Carolina/all of the above/whatever state got counted last and/or North Dakota. I mean, c’mon! Those were battleground/pointless states with their finger on the pulse/out of touch with American values and issues! They really should have focused on their core/tried to reach typical voters.

It’s clear that gaffe/statement/scandal/-gate/-effect/previous administration really resonated with voters! And the economic plan/lack of details for an economic plan must have turned off/reassured them. The biggest issue was probably a very important one people think about a lot and the candidate[s] shouldn’t have spent so much time on those other ones, that, let’s face facts, just don’t affect many people/are not as important as voting from the heart. And how ‘bout that campaign spending? Huge/fair/hypocritical/the cost of doing business, right?

With the record turnout/disenchanted voters and troubles in the voting booths/vast conspiracy/message of hope, this election was a real blowout/squeaker. It was obvious he was going to come from behind/lose all along.

Hindsight is 20/20. It’s much easier than admitting they were just guessing before.

But remember, you heard it here first!
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