If Everyone'S Voting Early, Will The Polls Be Deserted On Tuesday?

Gwyneth Doland
1 min read
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We were too busy recovering from Halloween parties to go to any press conferences on Sunday, but thank goodness the Albuquerque Journal staffers don't party like we do. In today's “Election Notebook” (www.abqjournal.com/elex/251537elex11-01-04.htm), Tania Soussan reports that, “Bernalillo County Clerk Mary Herrera said Sunday that 131,640 early and absentee votes have been cast in Bernalillo County—37 percent of the county’s 356,536 registered voters.” According Soussan, “Herrera said more than 19,000 absentee ballots are still out, which could bring the total of early votes to as much as 42 percent of registered voters. Total turnout in Bernalillo County for the last general election was 64 percent, Herrera said. Of the early voters, 37,969 were Democrats, 31,632 Republicans, 661 Greens and 11,523 listed as “other,” Herrera said.”
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