I’m Going To Live In The Heights

Edith P. Giblets
1 min read
IÕm Going to Live in the Heights
Local color in the Heights
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Well, the time has come. After living my adult life in Prague, Portland, Tucson, and the Downtown, UNM and Nob Hill areas of Albuquerque, it’s time to put away childish things. As of the end of this month, I will be living in the Northeast Heights near the strip mall bar Retro’s. So, that’s something.

Why are we moving out of our North UNM rental house, surrounded by liberals and xeriscaped yards? Because we wanted to buy and can’t afford the areas our ilk live in. How do they? I think drugs.

The Heights. What do people do there? There are three RVs on our new street. You know what that means: old people. And maybe guns.

What will we do there? Will our friends forget our faces? Will we care?

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