I stumbled across this massive stockpile of images (and other media) in the course of, uh, normal work-related web browsing. Am I the only person who didn’t know this existed? Good ol’ Library of Congress. That’s what tax dollars ought to be spent on. Some high points from this neck of the woods: A panoramic shot of Albuquerque, circa 1915; the old superwide marquee at the KiMo; and a very windswept-looking UNM from 1943. Just searching for “Albuquerque” turns up a nice selection of imagery.While there’s great stuff in there, it’s a little aggravating trying to share links with the rest of the world, as the URLs are often temporary to a particular browsing session. Tech tip: The links to copy-paste and share in email are the ones that show up when you are browsing (not searching) a collection or the DIGID URL that shows up on a results page. Confusing? Yep. It’s the web equivalent of a needlessly complex bureaucracy.