Iranians Killed The Porn Star

Hayley Shoemaker
1 min read
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Or at least they’re trying. Earlier this month, Iran’s parliament voted to favor a bill that would consider porn stars as well as anyone affiliated with the porn industry as “corrupters of the world”—an endearing title taken from the Qu’ran to designate those with the highest level of criminal offense. Included with this designation is the possibility of punishment by death.

Even though several pornographic materials are already banned in Iran—such as books and magazines—this law would expand to forbid porn websites and DVDs. Blatantly, the Iranian government is falling into a pattern of executing those they simply don’t agree with. Whether you’re gay, an atheist, a woman whose been raped and—soon to come—if you’re part of the porn industry, Iran thinks you should be hanged.

Considering they have the power of God on their side, Iran just might succeed in their crusade against guilty pleasures. Watch out—the O.C. may be next. Oh wait. Satellite television is already banned.
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