It’s Not Just A Slow News Day, It’s Sysadmin Day!

Kyle Silfer
2 min read
I’d know that tush anywhere. (
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Full disclosure: I am a Systems Administrator for an Albuquerque-area newsweekly and website, but it has been brought to my attention (thanks, Sloppy), that today marks the 8th annual celebration of Systems Administrator Appreciation Day. I don’t want a hug and I don’t want a box of candy (well, what kind of candy is it?), but I do want to quote a few good ones from the document “Advice to employees on the proper use of the System Administrator’s valuable time.” For some reason, they call him Ted:

• Never write down error messages. Just click OK, or restart your computer. Ted likes to guess what the error message was.

• When the printer won’t print, re-send the job 20 times in rapid succession. That should do the trick.

• When you get the message saying "Are you sure?", click the "Yes" button as fast as you can. Hell, if you weren’t sure, you wouldn’t be doing it, would you?

• When you receive a 130 MB movie file, send it to everyone as a high-priority mail attachment. Ted’s provided plenty of disk space and processor capacity on the new mail server for just those kinds of important things.

OK, maybe I will take that candy.
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