Joe Biden In Mesilla

Maren Tarro
3 min read
Joe Biden in Mesilla
Catholic demonstrators protest abortion outside the rally.
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Joe Biden made a campaign stop in Mesilla, a small village outside Las Cruces, this afternoon.

The rally took place at the Mesilla Plaza, a small square surrounded by shops and restaurants with the historic San Albino Catholic church at one end.

A large crowd gathered for the event, which was free to attend on a first come/first served basis with a limited amount of “preferred viewer seating.”

Those of us with preferred seating (actually standing) had a great spot directly in front of the stage.

There were several speakers, including house candidate Harry Teague, Tom Udall’s wife, Jill, Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Gov. Bill Richardson.

Richardson jokingly referred to the recent “scandal” regarding voter registration fraud, encouraging everyone to go to the polls as often as possible—legally. He then clarified by explaining that everyone should go to the polls as often as they could and take as many people to vote as possible. They were shouts of “¡Si se puede!” and “Obamanos!”

Prior to Biden appearing, a reverend asked all present to participate in a “moment of reverence,” and then offered a prayer. Combined with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, it was far from the image of Godless, America-hating Democrats portrayed by certain members of the far right-wing “media.”

Biden took the stage with great enthusiasm. He spoke about not resting yet—that the election was not quite in the bag. He encouraged everyone to step up their efforts to get Obama and other Democrats elected, citing the past close races in New Mexico that went to Republicans.

He discussed policy, going in depth about economics and health plans. He did poke fun at McCain using the “if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck” adage—McCain “quacks like a duck,” Biden said. He had a bit of Freudian slip, once referring to President Bush as “George McBush” but quickly corrected himself.

All spoke on the importance of voting early.

In all, it was a peaceful rally with a patient crowd that had to spend several hours in the hot sun with little shade available for relief.

As I was leaving, I spotted several pro-life demonstrators assembled, presumably in connection with San Albino. They carried signs that read “You can’t be Catholic and pro-choice” and bore the now commonplace photos of aborted fetuses.

Here are some pics from the event.
Joe Biden in Mesilla

The (vice) man of the hour, Joe Biden, holds an early voter information flyer. Bill Richardson is on stage with him.

Joe Biden in Mesilla

Teague takes the podium.

Joe Biden in Mesilla

Richardson is a New MexiCAN.

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