Let’s Talk About ...

Let’s Talk About ...

Amy Dalness
2 min read
I’m ... speechless
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What a world we live in. There are billboards all over town warning teens of the dangers of sex. “You choose: Abstinence or sexually transmitted diseases.” Yes, because it’s that black-and-white. You have sex, you get some nasty disease (and no, we won’t teach you how to use a condom). Ahem. The “either/or” argument is called a fallacy in English 101. Just FYI.

Now, in Germany, a doctor has been ordered by the highest court to pay monthly child support to a women who became pregnant after an inserted contraceptive patch failed. You know, maybe if this woman learned at a young age that having sex, no matter how protected you think you are, does increase your chances of getting pregnant. There is no fool-proof method of birth control except not having sex. It’s called biology. Now, there’s no excuse for the doc if she (or he) didn’t do her job, but paying child support until the child is 18-years-old? What did she do, artificially inseminate her instead of inserting the contraceptive? We need some good, honest sex education. Every human being should know the biological principles which keep life on Earth, and all the options available so they can choose wisely and know all the consequences.
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