Lobo Football Wins Again

Unm Overhauls Texas State 35-14

Michael Sanchez
3 min read
Lobo Football Wins Again
Quarterback B.R. Holbrook (Brendan Maloney/US PRESSWIRE)
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Last weekend, Lobo football defeated Texas State for their third victory of the year, matching the total wins of their last three seasons combined. When Bob Davie took over the cherry and silver head coaching duties, not even the most jaded Lobo fan could have imagined such a convincing change of course.

Infamous former head coach Mike Locksley evoked some ridicule with an early statement that the Lobos were going to need “… a third digit for the scoreboard …” because they were going to be piling on the points under his leadership. So far this season, the Lobos are still nowhere near that level of ambitious boasting, but they are averaging more than 28 points a game, which far surpasses previous records. Consider that in 2011, the Lobos scored a meager
17 touchdowns over the entire season (and only 21 in each of the two before that).

Unlike the Lobos’ first victory this season, their last two have come over respectable, even if not powerhouse, Division I schools. The win two weeks ago against instra-state rivalry NMSU was extremely important to most sports-loving New Mexicans. But the near-win last week against burly Boise State seemed to say even more. With these games adding to the Lobos’ self-esteem and win total, things seem to be primed for a turnaround.

As exciting as the early season has been, don’t declare the future a bed of roses just yet. Despite a Lobo triumph, the game against the Bobcats wasn’t pretty. New Mexico managed only one completed pass in the entire game. Though rushing yards were ample, making up for the lack of a passing game, that won’t be enough to assure wins in the future. The Lobos have now rushed for more than 400 yards in four separate games, but they’ll need to balance out their attack in order to see victories over more quality opponents.

And the more quality opponents are on their way. All of the games from this point on are conference matches, and the Lobos currently sit at 7th in the Mountain West. Staring up at our opponents is not necessarily the way we want to start conference play but, fortunately, next week the Lobos face Hawaii (one of the three teams that hasn’t won a game in our conference thus far).

If the winning ways can keep up, even just for next week, the Lobos can lay claim to something they haven’t had in more than four years: a winning record halfway through the season.
Lobo Football Wins Again

Those Lobos, they have spirit


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