Local Blogosphere Roundup 01.24.09

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
Local Blogosphere Roundup 01.24.09
I use the term [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpetbagger[/url]carpetbagger[xurl] only in its most general sense.
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This week, here’s what caught my blogospheroid eye:

I knew somebody ate those
red Coronado hot dogs that come in the insanely large package “like a case of dynamite from a loony western cartoon.” Turns out, it’s old skool Burqeños, not carpetbaggers like myself.

George Johnson’s Santa Fe Review takes on
ecotourism (or is it ecovoyeurism?) and in the process smacks down the Hyatt’s Tamaya Resort as a “managed and fake” version of New Mexico. Yeah, it kinda is, but they have a very nice pool.

State Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones’ plan for guerrilla webcasting at the roundhouse has
bloggers in an uproar.

My own state senator has been fielding calls from the press on
Bill Richardson, ethics, and stuff like that. Dede Feldman rocks.

And last but not least? Gil’s Thrilling visits one my favorite haunts,
Mariscos Altamar. Just reading his account makes me feel stuffed. Guy must have a hollow leg.
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