Local Blogosphere Roundup 02.21.09

Twitter-Compatible Edition

Jerry Cornelius
2 min read
Local Blogosphere Roundup 02.21.09
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OK, let’s make like Twitter. 140 characters or less per entry. Ready? Go!

BAT reposts Mayoral candidate Michael Cadigan’s "transit vision" and approves.

jfleck: "Our mistake was to think we were in the news delivery business, rather than the ad delivery business."

UrbanABQ "hopeful" about proposed Green Commons @ Silver and 1st. Nice pix.

APS mandates "more math minutes" at Scot Key’s middle school. No funding, staff or guidance provided. Go APS!

No, George R.R. Martin is
not done with A Dance of Dragons. I feel ya. It took me 5 months just to read book 3. http://alibi.com/link/146

What should the age of consent be for tanning salons? State Sen. Mary Jane Garcia thinks she knows.

NM Domestic Partnership bill could pop as early as Monday.

Dede Feldman blogs support for her ditch trails bill. Gee, If this passes, where will bums drink malt liquor?

Last but not least, Mayor Marty de-friends nfleck on Facebook. Don’t cry, Nora. Marty can be like that sometimes.
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