Local Blogosphere Roundup 05.31.09

Short-Attention-Span Edition

Jerry Cornelius
2 min read
Local Blogosphere Roundup 05.31.09
Some cool Thelemic-looking cover art from Featherspines.
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Remember that Buena Vista BMX stadium flap? Well, the velodrome at the heart of the controversy was stored improperly and has rotted. And the city spent the $2 million approved by voters on some other stuff. Oops.

Elsewhere, Mario Burgos
cherry-picks a quote from a Rio Rancho commuter to illustrate his brilliant point that mass transit is slow, thoroughly missing the forest for the trees. Dude, the slow part is the bus from Rio Rancho, not the ride on the Rail Runner, which is a fuckload faster than driving the same distance. “I’ll never understand the rationale behind investing in slower modes of mass transit,” he opines. A: Set up straw man; B: knock him down.

Speaking of conservative nitwits, I gotta say that, knee-jerk-anti-mass-transit attitudes aside, I kinda like the über-conservatism on display over at New Mexico Liberty, where ex-
Alibi columnist Jim Scarantino hangs out. These dudes like to pick on Dick Cheney because he’s not conservative enough: “Cheney was corporate socialism, Medicare expansion, bloated budgets, disdain for the rule of law and constitutional rights and unabashed cronyism from day one.” Word.

On the arts side, a lot of our local noise/drone purveyors are releasing stuff on Featherspines, “a collectively supported cassette tape/CDR label” I stumbled across this week.
Here’s their website.
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