Local Blogosphere Roundup: Hating, Voting, Foresting

Balloons-And-Hot-Air Edition

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
Local Blogosphere Roundup: Hating, Voting, Foresting
Is Riblet seriously reconsidering his pro-Berry position?
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Scot Key keeps on hating on the Balloon Fiesta. Someone has to.

Dede Feldman and three city councilors (among others) are
voting for Romero, M.G. Bralley micro-analyzes each candidate (loads of nice pics), and Marty goes after the pro-dog vote. (Will Riblet be swayed?)

The cranes have been sighted. So it really is fall.

Andaluz opened. Looks like they got rid of the cool lobby bar.

A bunch of “Urban Forest” banners are hanging around downtown. Apparently they will be converted to handbags, sold to fans, and the money used to buy trees. Which begs the question: Why not just start with the trees?

And props to
local label Featherspines for continuing to put out releases on cassette like it was 1990 again.
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