Local Blogosphere Roundup: Smackdown, Ernie Pyle, Shoulder Voices, Dronology

My-Monitor-Won’t-Stop-Flickering Edition

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
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How did I write this column for so long without stumbling across the filmically-obsessed blog of StinkyLulu (a.k.a. UNM prof Brian Herrera)? Today he hosts “Supporting Actress Smackdown–1956” as he and a pack of like-minded cineasts dissect hoary old performances from creaky melodramas like The Bad Seed, Written on the Wind and Giant. Highly entertaining.

Speaking of moving pictures,
George R.R. Martin is in Scotland for the filming of HBO’s A Game of Thrones.

And if there’s any doubt about the North Valley being lovely in the Fall,
let it now be dispelled.

Ernie Pyle’s fence and the lost view from his front yard.

An amusing interview with
that Shoulder Voices dude.

How to start a farmer’s market.

Where’s the center of your city?

And, finally, curator
William Fowler Collins wraps up his Spectre Series of experimental electronic music at the UNM Arts Lab with three final shows on Nov. 2, 16 and 19. Get thee to a dronery!
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