Local Blogosphere Roundup: Trolley Vs. Streetcar, Cops, Chiles Nativos, Stillsuits

Fear-Is-The-Mind-Killer Edition

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
Local Blogosphere Roundup: trolley vs. streetcar, cops, chiles nativos, stillsuits
Welcome to your future in the American Southwest, mole people. ( Matsys )
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Big Albuquerque-like Things is dead. Long live Carfree in ‘Burque! This week John explains why R.J. Berry’s use of the word “trolley” is sort of righter than Mayor Marty’s opinion that a modern streetcar is the same as light rail.

I missed this one from a couple of weeks ago: Ex-cop M.G. Bralley implies that
Mayor Marty’s endorsement by the Fraternal Order of Police was fixed. Ouch.

Captain America’s alter ego, Itchy Green Thumb, discusses the
Save New Mexico Seeds Coalition and the *real* chiles nativos.

Can you develop PTSD from working at Los Alamos National Labs? Judging from the vitrol coloring this blog’s reader comments, it seems pretty plausible.

And John Fleck points to
an architect’s Frank Herbert-inspired underground city. I always figured we’d end up wearing stillsuits one day.
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