Local Wiener’s Rape Joke (Not National Weiner’s Sexting)

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Local WienerÕs rape joke (not national WeinerÕs sexting)
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Commissioner Michael Wiener told county officials a racy rape joke, according to an investigation. (It’s not the first off-color joke he’s told that’s gotten him into trouble.) He also made inappropriate remarks to a female Bernalillo County worker, the investigation concluded, though he didn’t violate any policies.

A rally is happening right now outside the County Commission meeting near the City-County Building at Fifth Street and Marquette. (Downtown is hopping with protests this evening. The family and friends of those shot by APD are
demonstrating on Civic Plaza.)

The rally aimed at Commissioner Wiener is called “Rape is No Joke” and includes the
Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico, among other groups. They are calling for Wiener’s resignation—which the commissioner has said he has no plans for. He intends to run for re-election in 2012, according to a news release
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