“Lost” Ending: Winner Or Loser?

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
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The Interwebz are ablaze today with chatter about last night’s “Lost” series finale. A lot of people are anti, a sizable minority are pro. Me? … I’ve come to terms with it. I got six—well, five and a half, let’s say—highly enjoyable seasons out of the show, have a ton of indelible TV memories and got to watch the cast ride off into the sunset (kinda literally). None of that is diminished by a finale that failed to provide concrete answers to mysteries I knew wouldn’t be solved anyway. Though “The End” didn’t provide the monumental, soul-cleansing sense of closure I was wishing for, it didn’t diminish or alter anything that came before it. Of all the after-show buzz I’ve waded through, Noel Murray’s exhaustive analysis in The Onion’s AV Club is certainly the most well-thought-out. Give it a read here and see what you think.
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