Lost Luckies

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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Sunday is Earth Day—how are you celebrating? I may go for a bike ride, or I may just spend my time at the Highland Pool refereeing water polo, whatever.

Youth Poetry Slam Team —Check out some of Albuquerque’s talented youth poetry slammers tonight at the National Hispanic Cultural Center at 7 p.m. Youth between the ages of 13-19 will compete for one of four slots on the City Youth Team to compete at Brave New Voices 2007. Come to watch or bring three poems of your own to compete. A $5 donation is requested, but no one will be turned away.

Cosmic Carnival and Family Astronomy Program —The Lodestar Digital Dome Planetarium offers a day of events for the whole family with telescope, hands-on science and more on Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History. 841-5955

Blue Mesa Review Issue Release —The Creative Writing Department at UNM releases the 19th issue of its literary magazine, Blue Mesa Review , on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at R.B. Winning’s (111 Harvard SE). There will be readings by featured authors Skye Pratt, Billy Howell, Michael Swier and more, plus a raffle to raise money for next year’s issue.
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