Lost Luckies

Amy Dalness
2 min read
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My weekend: Hanging out with my parents and the most recent additon to their household, a pit bull-rottweiler mix, while doing laundry.

Your weekend: A whole lot less lazy or detergent filled.

Make it so.

The Seven This might already be sold out or booked up, and I know it doesn’t really fit into the "Lost Luckies" criteria, but it’s just too cool to miss. Seven new, original ten-minute plays at the The Cell (700 First Street NW) tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday, July 30, at 2 and 6 p.m. Tickets are $20, but Sunday is pay what you wish. Call 766-9412 to reserve your spot.

Kirtan For All— I’ve never experienced kirtan, but from what the folks at Bhava Yoga Studio say about it, it sound just like that—an experience. Dave Stringer is going to bring his talents to Albuquerque at the Bhava studio (520-A Central SE) tonight at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 at the door. For more info, call 842-1080.

Music at Harlow’s— We like Harlow’s on the Hill … it just seems that we never get their calendar in time to include in the paper. Man, it’s a shame. I have it now and here’s who you can see there this week:

Fri., July 28: Crazy Fool, Mystic Vision, One Foundation

Sat., July 29: The Zoltan Trio, Shawn Wearhoff and Sherry Banatt

Sun., July 30: The Rudy "Boy" Experiment, 3/4 Brown

Mon., July 31: Burning Moonlight

Tues., Aug. 1: Open mic jam session

Wed., Aug. 2: Roger Lewis Band

Duke City Shootout— There is still fun stuff going on with the Shootout. Insomnia anyone?
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