Lost Luckies

Alibi Picks B-List

Amy Dalness
2 min read
Lost Luckies
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What a week … what a weekend. Get out, do stuff. (Yeah, that’s as clever as I get today.)


A pit bull, that is. The Animal Humane Association of New Mexico (AHANM) has teamed up with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (
ASPCA) to help pit bulls and pit bull mixes find homes this month. They are offering a lowered adoption price ($60), which includes training classes for the life of your new best friend. Find out more about AHANM’s "Meet Your Match" shelter by calling 255-5523 or visit them at 615 Virginia SE.

Bye-Bye Martha’s

Martha’s Body Bueno is shutting its doors on Friday, Feb. 29. (You can read more about it in Marisa Demarco’s interview with Martha in next week’s Alibi .) Until then, they are having an "everything must go" sale with prices marked down as much as 50 percent. This Saturday and Sunday, Martha’s will have a sidewalk sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., but the sale will continue until the last day of business.

Voters’ Counter Attack

The local chapter of
Project Vote Smart is launching the national Voter’s Self-Defense System on Monday, Feb. 25, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Satellite Coffee (2300 Central SE). The Voter’s Self-Defense System is a motor coach specially equipped with a movie theater, free wi-fi computers and other interactive items to help train voters how to "defend themselves from the self-serving, manipulative claims made by the campaigns." A pimped-out info wagon. Word.
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