Manny Being Manny

Simon McCormack
2 min read
Manny Being Manny
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I used to hate Manny Ramirez.

As a Yankees fan, he’s done more to cause me pain and heartache than any other Major League Baseball player. Back when the Red Sox were still cursed, Manny had a knack for choking in the clutch. Then, when the franchise turned around, he was an incredible performer under pressure

There’s always been one constant with Manny: he’s a tremendous dick. When he hits a home run, you can tell almost as soon as his bat hits the ball. It’s not the sound produced by the crushing contact that gives it away, it’s Manny’s casual few steps he takes after he knows he’s gone yard.

Since he joined the Dodgers, my hatred for Manny has quickly melted away like a popsicle dropped on the sidewalk in summer. (By the way, how hot has it been these last couple days in this city? Am I right?)

Anyway, I don’t dislike Manny anymore. I find his arrogance somehow more palatable now that he’s in the National League. Usually, even when he’s being a pain in the side of his manager and his team’s front office executives, his teammates still adore him. That to me means he’s probably likable enough. How many players would you guess are friends with fellow cocky slugger Barry Bonds? I’m going to go with absolutely none.

The reason any of this is relevant is because Manny’s going to be an Isotope for at least one night (and maybe four). He’s nearing the end of his 50-game suspension for violating Major League Baseball’s substance-abuse policy. He’ll take a few swings tonight at Isotopes Park as the ‘Topes take on the Nashville Sounds at 7:05 p.m.. There are only grass seats available and they’re going fast. Click
here to find out how to score tickets.
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