
Nm Kids Play Mars For A Day

Nick Brown
1 min read
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Last friday, kids from all over the state built inflatable houses in the convention center as part of Marsville, a program designed to spark interest in math and science. The houses were pretty cool, and you could make one at home for cheap. You just need about seven plastic drop cloths (like you get for painting), some duct tape and a box fan. Tape six of the drop cloths together to form a cube, then use the seventh to make a little nipple for the box fan and a flap for the inside of the door (keeps all the air from leaking out). I’m definitely going to make one. One of these days. Ahem.

Also, I was delighted to see Miss New Mexico at the event. I walked right up to her and took her picture just like I would a zoo animal. Pretty rude, really, but I had no desire to make chit chat. Anyway, that picture vanished from my camera. She probably destroyed the file with her mind.
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