Mayor Bloomberg Evicting Protesters?

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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You know, for park cleanup. Not for anything political or anything.

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in Zuccotti Park have got to get out tomorrow morning. The billionaire mayor went to the park to deliver the news.

According to
this notice, maintenance crews will be cleaning the park in thirds. While one-third is being cleaned, the other two will remain open, and it should take four hours to clean each section.

That sounds like it should ultimately affect the protesters only a little, but tacked on to the notice is a list of appropriate uses of the privately owned park.

Prohibited activities include:

Camping, erecting tents

Laying down on the ground, benches, sitting areas or walkways

Spreading tarps and sleeping bags

Storing personal property

Using bikes, skateboards and roller blades

Taking things out of the trash cans

MoveOn’s got a
petition going to stop the eviction.
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