Military Religious Freedom Foundation Has 18 Active Cases At Fort Hood

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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In reaction to the Fort Hood shootings, the founder of Albuquerque-based Military Religious Freedom Foundation is calling on President Obama to condemn harassment of Islamic military personnel.

Mikey Weinstein says the president must issue a zero-tolerance policy for any military man or woman "inflicting harassments, retribution or reprisal against an Islamic member of the U.S. military."

The foundation has 18 active cases at Fort Hood “involving soldiers who allege they have been subjected to nonstop fundamentalist Christian proselytization,” according to
MRFF. Weinstein calls it one of the worst hotspots among the 1,000 U.S. installations around the world.

Weinstein is himself a military man who graduated from the Air Force Academy. He’s a Republican and was White House counsel during the Reagan administration. The
Alibi reported last week on the foundation’s 2010 nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize.
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