Milk This Cow For All It'S Worth

Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
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Anyone in the market for a 40-pound, life-sized fiberglass cow? “New MexiCow” is just such an animal and oh-so-much more. Created by Chicago art students back in 1999 for that city's four-month-long Cows on Parade public art extravaganza, “New MexiCow” is ornamented with multi-colored acrylic images of such legendary architectural structures as the Great Wall of China, Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater House and the Temple of Vishnu in India.

For the last year, it's been housed in the showroom of Bob Turner's Ford Country. (“No bull!”) Now the nonprofit organization Outcomes, Inc.—which provides mental health services, employee assistance programs and social services to New Mexicans of all income levels—is auctioning it off to raise some funds. “New MexiCow” has an estimated market value of $10,000, and as you can see from the photo, it's just a gorgeous hunk of cow. If you'd like to get your hands on this bovine beauty, contact Jane Hertz at 243-2551.

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