Miyazaki’s Spirited Away This Weekend

Oscar-Winning Anime On The Big Screen

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
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The Guild Cinema continues its commendable big-screen animation run with a repertory screening of Hayao Miyazaki’s stunning Spirited Away. Even on a beat-up VHS copy this is a great film, chock full of persistent Miyazakian themes (self-reliance, transformation, spirituality), but the big screen is the best canvas for appreciating Studio Ghibli’s breathtaking methods of bringing finely-observed moments of motion to life. Like any great fairy tale, this one can be scary (it’s rated PG), but that’s why it’s so great.

Spirited Away (PG, 2002) • Saturday April 24 and Sunday April 25, 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

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