Happy New Mexico Gas Company customers, presumable enjoying hot showers, warm meals and being forced to pay for overpriced gas.
Today I had the pleasure of having my gas turned on by the non-PNM entity known as New Mexico Gas Company. Yesterday they informed me that someone would be by my house at some non-appointed time, and that I would have to be home all day, between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Needing to go to work, today when 2:30 rolled around with still no sign of a gas guy, I put in a call to the monopoly, ahem, utility. After asking why I had to wait, and why I had to pay $63 dollars for the thing that I was waiting for them to do, one of the company’s peons rationalized the practice of non-scheduling with “policy,” whatever that means, and assured me that $63 dollars was a reasonable amount for such a service that ultimately, a most, takes all of 30 minutes to perform. That it’s legal for the one and only gas provider to hold their customers hostage and rob them while doing so is astounding. Why? WHY?!!