New York Strikes Same-Sex Marriage

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
New York Strikes Same-Sex Marriage
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The governor of New York, David Paterson, was pushing for a measure that would allow same-sex marriage in the state. But the bill failed in the state Senate by a pretty wide margin of 38-24. Catholic bishops, of course, worked against the legislation.

Is this a generational thing? How many old people need to leave power before these issues can be recognized as components of the civil rights movement of our time?

I love this guy:

“When I walk thru these doors, my bible stays out,” said Senator Eric Adams, a Brooklyn Democrat who compared the law preventing same-sex marriage to laws that kept blacks and whites from marrying. “I believe there are certain moments here where we can benchmark our lives by the votes we took.”

Right. When history looks back on this struggle, you homophobic leaders, are you going to want to be
that politician?
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