Nfl Marriage Counseling

Adam Fox
2 min read
NFL Marriage Counseling
“Baby, pleeease take me back.”
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Brett Favre, 17-year NFL veteran and poster boy for all things apple pie, announced his retirement from football in March amidst a series of tearful press conferences. It would be strange not seeing the rugged Mississippi success story on the tube each Sunday and nearly every Thanksgiving. This is the comeback kid who, along with cheese, has become synonymous with the words “Green Bay.” All’s well that ends well, we so foolishly thought. And then he changes his mind

This little sports news tidbit transforms into a B-list soap opera. Feelings are hurt. Words are exchanged. Threats are dealt. Jealousy ensues. Brett has to go on and have a change of heart as he has been notorious for doing his last few seasons in the NFL. But Green Bay wasn’t having any of that. In their words, they’ve “moved on,” similar to a severed relationship that finally passes the rebound. They were working with this ‘new guy,’ up-and-coming quarterback Aaron Rodgers, and Brett feels cheated on. It’s like he returns home after a fight with the old lady and upon bringing her the brightest, prettiest flowers ever known to man, he catches her in bed with ANOTHER man. So he does the only thing a betrayed lover knows how to do. He gets her back.

Brett uses a Green Bay-issued phone, in a rather theatrical slap in the face, to call the rival Minnesota Vikings about his “possible return” to the league and to express his interest in playing for them. The nerve, the land of cheese cries in unison! How could he!? The distressed lover consumes its fatal poison in true Romeo and Juliet fashion to quickly silence the sportswriters and critics, but it is too late. The cat is clearly out of the bag. This sappy soap has really just begun, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn this into a full-length feature movie by the end of next season. The plot is juicy, the suspense is riveting, and the most comical part of all? It’s at the hands of America’s manliest, blue collar pastime.

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