Nm Blogosphere Roundup: Xmas Movies, Best And Worst, Wisdom And War Toys

Is-It-Really-The-End-Of-The-Decade-Already? Edition

Jerry Cornelius
1 min read
NM Blogosphere Roundup: Xmas movies, best and worst, wisdom and war toys
The heart-warming holiday classic!
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Science fiction writer Victor Milán’s favorite Christmas movie is … Die Hard ? Whoa. In the same spirit, I guess mine is Brazil.

Speaking of science fiction. And favorites. MJH reveals “
Number 1 on My List of the Worst Top Ten Lists of the Best Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies of the Past Decade.” I agree this list is dorky, but Primer and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are not the problem.

M.G. Bralley gives himself a retrospective on the occasion of his 300th “What’s Wrong With This Picture?” post. As always, nice pix.

Blah blah eroding our liberties blah blah.
Gosh, Eye on Albuquerque is so wise. First comment on this post nicely deflates its myopia and selective memory.

Finally, just in time for Xmas, a couple of lefty-liberal anti-war-toy moments from
Albuquerque’s Raging Grannies and Haussamen blogger Michael Swickard. Sadly, my own opinion on this stuff is way too complex to go into here. Sniff.
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