Obama And The Money Pit

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Obama and the Money Pit
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Presidents don’t usually do late-night talk shows. You’ll see Leno or Letterman chatting up candidates, sure. But Obama will be the first sitting president to appear on a talk show when he sits down with Jay Leno on Thursday night. “The Tonight Show” probably bought itself a round of drinks when it heard he was coming.

Obama’s going on the show and using all his old campaign tactics to
advance his $3.6 trillion budget through Congress. His approval rating is slipping slightly.

The news that AIG gave top execs $165 million in bonuses even though it’s living on $180 billion in bailout money may have slowed the president’s agenda. Taxpayers aren’t thrilled that their cash lines the pockets of the super rich. Sen. Charles Grassley of the Senate Finance Committee even suggested the AIG bigwigs do the honorable thing and
commit suicide.

Here’s a hilarious FOX News headline, just for fun:

“Obama Team Adopts McCain’s Optimism on Economy”
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