Pajama Dudes

Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
The Pajama Men did not wear pajamas at the Q-Staff Theatre.
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Mark Chavez and Shenoah Allen—the comedy duo known throughout the civilized world as the Pajama Men—did not wear pajamas during their two performances this weekend at the Q-Staff Theatre. But even in jeans and T-shirts, their old hometown crowd loved them. The theater was packed wall to wall last night, and it was more like rock ’n’ roll than thee-ah-tah. People were screaming . Caught up in the moment, I almost pulled my underwear off and threw it toward the stage. (Thankfully, my wife restrained me.)

They’re rockstars, and it’s good to see. If anything, I think they’re even better than they were when they left Albuquerque for the more fertile pastures of the Second City. We laughed our asses off! It was great to have them back here, if only for a little while …
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