Pay Pennies For A Picture With The Prez

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
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Bush is coming to Albuquerque tomorrow (Friday, June 16) to help Wilson top off her war chest. That’s fancy lingo for “ask folks for cash.” In the Hyatt, she’ll be charging $5,000 for a picture with El Presidente (the politician, not the booze).

A politically involved friend of mine shot me an e-mail about another option. If you can’t dig through your couch cushions and come up with the Gs, show up at Lomas and Third instead around 2 p.m. for a photo op with a cardboard cutout of the president. It will only cost you a penny and should be a way better story for the grandkids than the one you were going to tell them about shaking Bush’s sweaty hand at the Hilton.

The cutout gag is part of a protest by Albuquerque’s chapter of CodePink: Women for Peace.
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