As poetry month winds its bloody nose to a bloody close like a bloody rose, I want to share two of my favorite Albuquerque poets (and friends) who now represent us from elsewhere. Their works will speak for themselves, absent a short introduction or two.Robert Masterson received his BA and MA from UNM before studying under Allen Ginsberg at the Naropa Institute. He is the former editor of the Westchester Weekly and has recently published Artificial Rats and Electric Cats, a beautiful prose and poetry account his time in China in the 1980s. Here’s “Some Waitresses I Have Known.” Robert currently lives in New York.Joni Wallace received her BA and JD from UNM before receiving her MFA from the University of Montana. Her latest book of poetry, Blinking Ephemeral Valentine, is forthcoming on Four Way Books and you can buy her chapbook, Redshiftnow. Here’s “Ciel, Ciel.” Joni lives in Tucson now.