President Obama’s Busy Week

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
President ObamaÕs Busy Week
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He lifted the ban on funding for international family planning groups that offer abortions, abortion referrals or abortion counseling.

He set a deadline of mid-February for passing his
$825 billion economic stimulus plan.

ordered the closure of Guantanamo Bay and other secret CIA prisons around the world. He also put an end to torturous interrogation techniques.

He dismantled a Bush policy that made it easier for government agencies to ignore
FOIA requests.

He suspended a plan to remove the gray wolf from the
Endangered Species Act.

He scolded Wall Street for spending
bailout money on bonuses and office remodeling.

All of this since Tuesday, which, given the whole inauguration thing, had to have been a pretty busy day. Neat.
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