Promo Gone Wrong #1

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Promo Gone Wrong #1
Only three cans depicted. I used one to pay an intern.
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The good people at Acute Fruit sent me four cans of their energy juice—and four tons of packaging. We often marvel at the silly shit companies mail to newspapers. We don’t ask for it. It’s incredibly wasteful, especially when these weird items we don’t want are wrapped in all manner of colored paper, plastic, Styrofoam, cardboard boxes, etc.

When I walked into a coworker’s office with the sack of cans in one hand and a giant box tucked under my arm, she took one look and said, “They’re going to hell for that.”

Anyway, Acute Fruit promises a “kick in the patootie.” I think they’re going to hell for that, too.
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