Rooster Roundabout: This Week’s Music Highlights

Mark Lopez
5 min read
Rooster Roundabout: This weekÕs music highlights
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I’ve never understood people’s obsession with rap-rave group Die Antwoord. While I can appreciate them repping Cape Town and the culture therein, their music just never sat well with me, and still doesn’t. A friend responded to this by saying “you just don’t get it.” Maybe that’s so. But for those that do get it, I’m sure you’ll be ecstatic (or a little giddy) to know their new record (
Donker Mag) comes out on June 3. So mark them calendars. The group has also shared a video for album track “Pitbull Terrier,” which you can watch below. PS: It’s kind of graphic and, but what else do you expect from them?

I never liked Rilo Kiley, but I always loved the country-twinged aesthetic that singer-songwriter Jenny Lewis pursued on her solo material. It had a sort of grittiness and longing that I always felt RK seriously lacked. Now the songstress is releasing a new record on July 29, titled
The Voyager. After the brilliance that was Acid Tongue, I’m sure this one will be a poignant and enchanting effort. You can read more details, including the tracklist, over at Rolling Stone.

It’s no secret this past year was partially owned by Robin Thicke, as his single “Blurred Lines” was everywhere and anywhere that had speakers and a sound system. Not that that’s bad. It’s a good song. And now, Thicke is set to release a new album on July 1, though the title and tracklist haven’t been revealed. The only indication of the new record’s sound is the track “
Get Her Back,” which Thicke debuted at the Billboard Music Awards. You can watch that performance below, and keep an ear out for news on that upcoming record. Who knows? 2014 may also be his year.

It’s a Destiny’s Child reunion! Well, kind of. Kelly Rowland and Beyoncé appeared on a Michelle Williams song from her upcoming album
Journey to Freedom. The track features Solange, as well. Titled “Say Yes!,” it’s a remix of a Nigerian gospel track (“When Jesus Says Yes”) and though it’s not the most excellent ditty, it’s nice to hear these women back together. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of Beyoncé solo. Destiny’s Child needs to make a full comeback, am I right? Head to MissInfo to hear the tune.

While I’m not a huge fan, I appreciate The Knife. Several songs in their catalog have struck my fancy, from their oft-referenced “Heartbeats” to “Pass This On.” But my interest fizzled over the years. However, the group is still going strong … at least strong enough to release reworked versions of various tracks from their catalogue.
Shaken-Up Versions hits the public in the face on June 17, so keep a lookout. You can also view the video for the “shaken-up” version of “Without You My Life Would Be Boring” below.

What better way to celebrate the mark you’ve made on the music industry than by reissuing the material that catapulted you to stardom? That’s what Bon Jovi plans on doing. The band is set to reissue a large amount of their catalog, and that starts with 1988’s
New Jersey, which hits stores (again) on July 1. That album had such notable hits as “Bad Medicine” and “I’ll Be There For You.” The reissue will include deluxe editions that have bonus material and whatnot. For more details, head to Rolling Stone.

I’ve always loved M.I.A. Granted,
MAYA wasn’t her best album, but I had hopes for Matangi. And that record proved to be a world-born effort of a Sri Lankan rapper still fighting to be heard and still pursuing controversial material with the swagger of a soldier and an aesthetic of a cut-and-paste artist. Now she’s released a video for Matangi-track “Double Bubble Trouble,” which features 3D-printed guns, kids of varying cultures and lots of color. You can give it a looksie below.

Talk about a match made on Earth. Lorde and Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst were paired up in an artistic conversation for
The New York Times. The duo talked about their writing styles, their processes, backlash and whatnot. You can read that here.

I’m a-gonna be honest. The only reason I clicked the link for the following video was because the folks over at
A.V. Club provided the headline: “Mat Devine’s Wrongchilde channels John Hughes on a new single.” If you say someone channels John Hughes, I’m there. I, like most people my age or older, grew up on Hughes’ films, and I have to say their assumption is fairly accurate with the ’80s imagery (Karate Kid, anyone?), colorific exploration and, of course, the synth-heavy track. And yes, I know Karate Kid wasn’t by Hughes, but we’re talkin’ about the ’80s, man. Like, get it? Anyway, you can listen to Wrongchilde’s “Gold Blooded” below.

Lastly, Richard Reed Parry, one of the many members of Arcade Fire, is releasing his own record (titled
Music for Heart and Breath) on June 9, which is right around the corner. The multi-instrumentalist will have such guests as the Kronos Quartet, Nico Muhly and Bryce Dessner of The National. So keep your eyes and ears open, and for more info on it, head over to Pitchfork.
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