Rooster Roundabout: This Week’s Music Highlights

Mark Lopez
3 min read
Rooster Roundabout: This weekÕs music highlights
(Jesse Schulz)
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Method Man and meth

Like most people, I like a good beat. I like smooth rhythms, confrontational lyrics and a broad cultural perspective. But for some reason, hip-hop has just never been my thing. The closest I’ve come is
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill (great album, by the way). But that doesn’t mean I disregard its importance within the delicate fabric of American culture and way beyond. So I’m sure a lot of people are jazzed about Method Man’s announcement of his upcoming record The Meth Lab (out Aug. 21). The member of seminal hip-hop collective Wu-Tang Clan also announced it with an animated trailer (which, if you’ve seen a little show called “Breaking Bad,” might seem familiar) that you can watch below. Cheers!

A Kick-Ass bear

Holy shit, Fogell’s in a band! I’m sure most people who’ve kept up with the career of actor Christopher Mintz-Plasse (
Superbad, Kick-Ass) have known that he was in a band called the Young Rapscallions for a number of years, but now he’s formed another project called Bear On Fire. He took the time to talk with Stereogum about being an actor, being in a band and being both, plus other stuff. So click here to read that interview in its entirety and to snag a listen to Bear On Fire’s track “Comfortable.”

That little Foo

Well if this just isn’t the cutest thing ever. Foo Fighters recently played a show in Manchester, and when singer/guitarist Dave Grohl noticed an 8-year-old kid in the audience singing the lyrics to their tune “
Times Like These,” he invited the little rascal up on stage to sing it with him. The video isn’t very good quality, as it’s taken from someone who is in the way back, but it still makes for nice viewing, as he basically made the young’un’s dreams come true. That doesn’t happen every day, y’all. Have a looksie at that below.

Takin’ it back a bit …

For the folks who reveled in the cinema of 1985 (as well as the soundtracks that accompanied the films), you can rejoice! Varese Sarabande Records is compiling a massive 6-CD release (titled
Back In Time … 1985 At The Movies) which features numerous musical scores that played during some of the most iconic scenes of the films that came out that year, including The Color Purple, Silverado, Legend, The Goonies, Weird Science and much more. Basically, it’s a lot of shit to take in. It’s on sale now on the record label’s website, but to get more info and a complete tracklist, head to Consequence of Sound. You’re welcome.

It’s all a Blur

While I’ve never been that big of a Blur fan, I can understand their popularity. The songs I’ve heard are catchy and interesting. Just not enough to make me interested in purchasing one of their records. However, I can understand the impatience of fans, seeing as how their most recent record was their first in 12 years.
Alibi Music Editor August March praised their latest LP The Magic Whip, calling the band “wildly important.” And if that wasn’t enough, the band has come out with a video for album track “Ong Ong,” which views like a vintage video game. ‘Cause why not? Have a looksie below.

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